Ankunft in einer neuen Welt. In dem Land läuft gerade ein großer Schwertkampf. Die Reisegefährten landen mitten in einer Arena, in der sich gerade zwei maskierte Schwertkämpfer duellieren…
The story starts off with a girl being hit with a mysterious beam on her head. Inside the shrine, Keefer goes in a saves her from the Guardian of the shrine. The group enters the world, Storm Country, in the middle of a tournament in order to see who is the strongest. Syaoran eventually wins the match. But Keefer needs that sacred object that Syaoran won from the tournament. They both fight to see who gets it, ending with Syaoran giving the sacred object to save the girl.
La historia comienza con una niña que recibe un misterioso rayo en la cabeza. Dentro del santuario, Keefer entra y la salva del Guardián del santuario. El grupo ingresa al mundo, Storm Country, en medio de un torneo para ver quién es el más fuerte.