Der junge Herr vom Omi-ya macht einen niedergeschlagenen Eindruck und Seiji hat Angst, er will sich von der Brücke werfen. Als das Missverständnis aufgeklärt ist, stellen sie fest, dass er seine Siegelschatulle verloren hat. Ein Gauner findet sie und will sie nur für einen Wucherpreis wieder hergeben …
One morning, Seiji runs into Kounosuke while out on a walk. The two young men discuss recent affairs on Ryogoku bridge, but Kounosuke suddenly loses his balance and falls in the river, accidentally pulling Seiji with him and losing his precious seal box, Kogare-kou, that has been passed down in his family for generations. Kounosuke does his best to look for it, but to no avail. Meanwhile, another young man appears to have found Kogare-kou and demands a considerable sum for its return. With Kounosuke facing being disowned by his family if he cannot get the object back, Seiji and Oko do their best to help him raise the money with the help of the tsukumogami.
Les palabres incessants de Tsukuyomi accompagnent le lever très matinal de Seiji, qui part se promener vers la rivière afin de se ressourcer. Là-bas, il croise par hasard l’héritier Ômiya, sur le point… de se jeter à l’eau ? Ni une ni deux, Seiji l’empêche de tomber du pont et découvre en même temps les raisons qui poussaient le jeune homme à se balader sur le pont dès l’aube.
아침 산책을 하던 중 코노스케와 만난 세이지. 다리 위에서 코노스케의 근황에 대해 이야기하던 두 사람은 그만 강물에 빠지고 만다. 게다가 코노스케는 약통인 코가레코를 강물에 잃어버렸고, 코가레코를 주운 사람에게서 터무니없는 가격을 요구받는데.