13 years ago, Shinichi and Ran met at kindergarten. Shinichi tells Yusaku and Yukiko about the suspicious behavior of Efune, a teacher who favors Ran. The next day, Efune takes the children to the park far away from the kindergarten. Yusaku goes to check on the children while dressed in disguise and witnesses the driver of a parked van taking photos of the children and smiling. Later, Yusaku learns Efune's wife is staying at the hospital next to the park and begins to realize Efune's plot...
Le soupçonnant d'avoir de mauvaises intentions, Shinichi convainc son père d'enquêter sur son professeur. Yusaku découvre que l'homme tenait la main d'une petite fille précise pour indiquer à son beau-frère la personne à kidnapper.
Sospettando che abbia cattive intenzioni, Shinichi convince suo padre a indagare sul suo insegnante. Yusaku scopre che l'uomo teneva la mano di una specifica bambina per far capire al cognato quale persona rapire.
Sospitant que té males intencions, Shinichi convenç el seu pare perquè investigui el seu mestre. Yusaku descobreix que l'home estava agafat de la mà d'una nena concreta per fer entendre al seu cunyat quina persona segrestar.