立藤美学園は、たった一人の侵入者-〈奴ら〉によって地獄の坩堝と化した! 〈奴ら〉は人を襲い、喰らい、新たなる〈奴ら〉を生みだし学園を席巻。 悪魔の世界と化した学園内で、小室孝と幼馴染の宮本麗、親友の井豪永は、一時避難する。 しかし、麗をかばい〈奴ら〉に噛まれた永は〈奴ら〉と化してしまう・・・・ 残された二人は、他の生き残り、級友の高城沙耶、平野コータ、剣道部主将・毒島冴子、校医の鞠川静香と合流、学園を脱出する決意を固める!彼らに生きのびる術はあるのか!?

Deutsch English français עברית italiano 日本語 한국어 Português - Portugal русский язык español 大陆简体 臺灣國語 Português - Brasil
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials February 2011 2
Season 1 July 2010 September 2010 12
Unassigned Episodes 0
Season From To Episodes
All Seasons
Specials 0
Season 1 July 2010 July 2010 2
Unassigned Episodes 12
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 July 2010 February 2011 13
Unassigned Episodes 1

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Manga ⬄ Anime [Series]

1 342 toni kaku

Anime series that have a manga version. The manga medium could be derivated from the serie, base of it or just another adaptation from a common source like a novel, a light novel, a web novel, etc...


1 144 nOnOstrOk

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ecchi Anime

1 37 toni kaku

Ecchi (エッチ, etchi, pronounced [et.tɕi]) is a slang term in the Japanese language for playfully sexual actions. As an adjective, it is used with the meaning of "sexy", "dirty" or "naughty"; as a verb, ecchi suru (エッチする or Hする) means "to have sex", and as a noun, it is used to describe someone of lascivious behavior. It is softer than the Japanese word ero (エロ from Eros or "erotic"), and does not imply perversion in the way hentai does. The word ecchi has been adopted by western fans of Japanese media to describe works with sexual overtones. In western culture, it has come to be used to refer to softcore or playful sexuality, as distinct from the word hentai, which connotes perversion or fetishism. Works described as ecchi by the western fans do not show sexual intercourse or genitalia, but sexual themes are referenced. Ecchi themes are a type of fan service, and can be found in most comedy shōnen and seinen manga and harem anime.

Every Anime Series Seen to Completion in Chronological Order

1 236 WatchTillTandava

Will include all anime series and series only (anime films are included on my general film list with live action and cartoons), whether TV, OVA/OAD, or ONA. Only series seen through to completion or at least one full season of (for the few I decided not to watch further) will be included.

High School of the Dead Franchise

1 2 toni kaku

Highschool of the Dead, known in Japan as Apocalyptic Academy: Highschool of the Dead (Japanese: 学園黙示録 HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD, Hepburn: Gakuen Mokushiroku Haisukūru obu za Deddo), is a Japanese manga series written by Daisuke Satō and illustrated by Shōji Satō.

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